I’m Carly!

No, that’s not me in the picture. I have the organizational skills of a hamster, and my only “headshot” (ok, selfie) has vanished from my computer. I can’t spend anymore time looking for it right now.

It’s a great way to introduce you to one of my core beliefs about online business: Done is better than perfect (and sort of done still counts).

I’ve been a full time (6-figure) blogger since 2016 (well, 6 figures since 2017… that first year is slow!). Ive built my entire business on Pinterest. (I share how I make money from Pinterest in Episode 1 of the Pin Talk Podcast.) Since conquering Pinterest, it’s been my honor to help thousands of other content creators make a full time living online, too.

I don’t have fancy sales pages or perfectly put together websites, and I can’t code – I don’t even speak basic tech.

So if you’re feeling out of your depth when it comes to Pinterest or online business, we’ll probably be fantastic friends!

Pinterest Gives Me The Freedom To Live The Life I Want

Much more importantly than being a full time blogger and Pinterest expert, I’m also a full time stay-at-home / home school mom. (Unfortunately, I have no expertise in this.)

It was my deep desire to never consider daycare for my children, to always be there when they wake up and go to sleep, and to have the freedom to say “today we will watch movies in our pajamas”.

Pinterest has played a massive role in this dream becoming reality. And I know that this is true for thousands and thousands of other moms out there, too.

How I (accidentally) became a Pinterest expert:

When I started my first site in early 2016, I had less than *no* idea what I was doing.

I had joined a popular (now retired) blogging course that set me on a great path towards a successful business… but it sort of glossed over the specifics of traffic generation (which is a pretty crucial ingredient for early success).

So, a handful of friends I’d made in the course forum and I decided to divide and conquer – we’d each learn one social platform and meet again a few months down the road to teach each other what we’d learned.

I was assigned Pinterest and, since I wanted this blogging thing to work out more than I’d ever wanted almost anything, I threw myself into it like my life depended on it.

I experimented on the platform – creating content, researching what had been written about Pinterest and by Pinterest and, and of course, pinning.

About 6 months in, I discovered that I could pin specific pins in a specific way and I could watch my traffic shoot up hundreds of visitors in real time. (Don’t get too excited, Pinterest is fantastic for traffic, but it doesn’t work *immediately* anymore!)

I knew right at that moment that this was what I was going to do. That my website wasn’t a pipe dream, that the money was coming.

(And it came.)

Around the 9 month anniversary of starting my site, I joined the Raptive ad network – a premier network with a minimum requirement of 100k page views per month – and I have never looked back.

But the best thing about all the Pinterest traffic generation tactics I’d learned was that they didn’t just work for me… I sold my little ebook about Pinterest traffic generation and the strategies worked for hundreds and hundreds of bloggers – until soon the ebook was doing tens of thousands of dollars in sales from word of mouth alone.

8 years later, I still LOVE sharing proven Pinterest growth strategies with other creators and hearing their success stories.

As seen in: